Monday, January 10, 2011

Shabbat Tikkun Olam (and Hillel) Style

This Friday, Tikkun Olam had the pleasure of joining Hillel Tel Aviv and T’filat Halev Congregation for Kabbalat Shabbat and a delicious potluck. A number of us headed across town on a rainy evening to join the progressive congregation for their bi-weekly services and were happy to find a diverse group with plenty of young folk and multi-generational families. The rabbi leading the service also lead the four piece band, including clarinet and accordion, through rousing versions of many Shabbat favorites. The children in attendance excitedly took over from him for the last song, Shalom Aleichem. More Tikkun Olamers showed up for the potluck dinner afterword, and acquitted themselves well, bringing homemade cornbread, curry, apple kugel, and pesto gnocchi. Madrich Benji showed off the wonderful way he interacts with kids, and proved that he might wind up with one after the parents, after seeing in what good hands their child is in, accidentally leave the scene with an empty back seat.

Contributed by Nathan Kemphues

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